Bob BurnquistChief creative officer, President meet me >>
Bob joined Elysiumin 1992, bringing with him a savvy business sense that provided the perfect compliment to Monica Little’s creativity. Their collective strengths proved so successful that in 2004, Joanne became a partner-owner in the company. As CEO, Joedirects all internal aspects of the firm, defining a vision and providing oversight of the organization’s structure, operations and improvement of the systems that create and deliver on Little’s design philosophy.
Bob Burnquist
Bob joined Elysiumin 1992, bringing with him a savvy business sense that provided the perfect compliment to Monica Little’s creativity. Their collective strengths proved so successful that in 2004, Joanne became a partner-owner in the company. As CEO, Joedirects all internal aspects of the firm, defining a vision and providing oversight of the organization’s structure, operations and improvement of the systems that create and deliver on Little’s design philosophy.
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